Nice to meet you!

Welcome to my personal website - on this page you can find information about me and my projects

Currently, I am the co-founder and CTO of Combat IQ . We build computer vision solutions to provide sports organisations with data-driven insights. Before that, I spent 5+ years in academic research at the intersection of Data Science, Computer Vision, Rehabilitation and Learning Sciences (h-index 12). I am a martial arts enthusiast and former international-level sports karate competitor. Proudly Swiss and German citizen made from Vietnamese parts and proudly married to a Brazilian.

During this path, I had the opportunity to live in many places and learn several languages. I am native in Vietnamese and German, fluent in English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. I also used to speak some basic Hebrew, but it got a bit rusty over the years...

Industry experience

While I have always been passionate about academic research, I was also keen to gain practical experience in industry since my teenage years. Below you can find some examples of employers I have worked for, ranging from small enterprises to multinational companies as well as my first endeavour as an entrepreneur.

Student Assistant in Power Grids

Between October 2015 and June 2016 I supported the power grids team of the EW Höfe AG in their digitalization processes. I was responsible for the preparation and processing of data from geographic information systems.

Intern in High Voltage Products

Between September 2014 and February 2015 I was employed as a full-time intern at ABB Switzerland. I worked in the High Voltage Products department and supported the team in developing and testing new components for high voltage direct current gas insulated substations (HVDC GIS).

Assistant in Web Development

Between May 2009 and July 2010 I worked as a web developer for Mediendesign Ellegast. This was a part-time job I did during my final year of high school. For the projects, I used HTML, CSS, PHP and several CMS systems.

Research experience

Please find below a selection of research projects that I have conducted in the course of my scientific career. You can find the related publications on my Google Scholar and Researchgate profiles. In the following you will also find a summary of my other activities related to research such as peer reviewing, committee memberships and grant applications.

Escape Rooms for Educational Robotics

The Thymio Escape Game is an immersive learning activity that I developed during my PhD at EPFL. The objective is to playfully introduce children to robotics by adapting the game dynamics of escape rooms. Until today, the game has been played by more than 600 people - including middle schoolers at the 2020 Atlanta Science Festival.

Tangible Programming Languages

Another field that I studied during my PhD are Tangible Programming Languages (TPLs). I led the development of several TPLs that allow students to program robots using computer vision algorithms and simple craft materials such as paper and cardboard (video demo). The goal is to make such approaches more accessible and practical for classrooms activities.

Personalized Rehabilitation Robotics

In the context of my master thesis, I developed a personalization algorithm for a robotic upper-limb exoskeleton used for the rehabiliation of post-stroke patients. As part of the project, I was also involved in the clinical trials with patients and medical staff. The project resulted in several scientific publications as well as a patent.

Peer reviewing





  • 02/2020 - 07/2020: Recipient of a research grant (26’000 CHF) from the Hasler Stiftung for the project “An open development environment for paper-based programming languages”

Teaching activities

Please find below a summary of my teaching activities at ETH Zürich and EPFL. These include activities such as lecturing courses, monitoring lab and exercise sessions as well as assisting in the supervision of Master and PhD theses.

University courses

  • 2021-2022: Head teaching assistant for Machine Learning for Behavioral Data (Master course EPFL)
  • 2017-2022: Lecturer for the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Educational Robotics (teacher education SUPSI-DFA)
  • 2019-2020: Teaching assistant for Basics of Mobile Robotics (Master course EPFL)
  • 2017-2020: Head teaching assistant for Application of Bayes Filters to Mobile Robot Localization (Master lab course EPFL)
  • 2015: Teaching assistant for Control Systems I and Control Lab (Bachelor courses ETH Zürich)
  • 2012: Teaching assistant for Electronic Circuits Lab (Bachelor lab course ETH Zürich)

Student supervision

  • Spring 2021 - Spring 2022: Lucas Ramirez. Analyzing student behavior in game-based learning environments (PhD in Computer Science)
  • Fall 2020 - Spring 2022: Jade Cock. Analyzing student behavior in inquiry-based learning activities using interactive simulations (PhD in Computer Science)
  • Fall 2020 - Spring 2022: Paola Mejia. Analyzing the use of a web-based learning and performance documentation tool by apprentice chefs (PhD in Computer Science)
  • Spring 2021: David Resin. Analyzing problem solving strategies of lab technician apprentices in interactive simulations (Master in Computer Science)
  • Spring 2021: Régis Croset. Interactive Simulations for Heating Technicians (Master in Computer Science)
  • Spring 2021: Charles David Sasportes. Analyzing problem solving strategies in digital scenario-based learning environments (Master in Robotics)
  • Spring 2021: Gonxhe Idrizi. Natural Language Processing in digital learning documentations (Master in Computer Science)
  • Fall 2020: Laura Mathex. Development of a tangible programming language for Thymio on iOS (Master in Robotics)
  • Spring 2020: Anthony Guinchard. Development of a mobile application for computer-vision based tangible programming languages (Master in Robotics)
  • Fall 2019 - Fall 2020: Aditya Mehrotra. Development of an accessible maker-based educational robot (Visiting research intern)
  • Fall 2019: Noé Duruz. Development of a platform for computer-vision based tangible programming languages – focus: user interface and visual feedback (Master in Robotics)
  • Fall 2019: Julien Dedelley. Development of a platform for computer-vision based tangible programming languages – focus: Scratch Jr. TPL (Master in Robotics)
  • Spring 2019: Andrea Mussati. Development of a tangible programming environment for Thymio (Master in Robotics)